The Best Essay Ever: The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Winning Essay

The best essay ever is the one that wins you an A in English class. But it’s not just about getting a good grade; it’s also about expressing yourself with clarity, eloquence, and confidence. Writing a winning essay requires more than just showing up to your English class and putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). It takes practice and patience – but we’ve got some tips to help you get started on writing the best essay ever!

Develop a strong introduction

The introduction is the most important part of your essay because it is what gets a reader interested in your topic. You must create a hook that will attract them and make them want to read more.

A strong introduction should be able to accomplish all of these things:

  • Introduce you as an authority figure on the subject.
  • State that you are going to do an in-depth analysis/critique/discussion about something specific that sets up why this essay is so important and interesting, i.e., it gives a mini-outline for why this topic matters (this can be done in one sentence or several).
  • Tell us who you are by creating some kind of personal connection with the reader (this could be done through sharing a personal experience or giving background information about yourself).

The best way to write an effective introduction is by using “hooks”-the beginning paragraphs that draw us into reading your paper!

Present a compelling argument

In your essay, you’ll want to present a compelling argument. To do this, you’ll need to use evidence.

But what does “evidence” mean? Well, it’s anything that helps support an argument. For example, if I said “Green Day suck,” and then quoted some statistics about how many of their albums were sold in 1993 (via Billboard), my argument would be more convincing than just saying “they suck.”

Another thing that makes arguments more powerful is having multiple types of evidence from different sources: maybe some stats from Billboard magazine; maybe a quote from someone who’s heard their music; maybe even a video clip or two of their performance at Lollapalooza 1994! It all depends on what kind of information will help convince readers that Green Day is a terrible musician and shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a stage ever again.

Establish and define your terms

Defining your terms is essential to communicating clearly and effectively.

Your reader should be able to understand the meaning of each term you use without having to look it up in a dictionary or ask for an explanation.

Don’t make them do extra work! And don’t confuse them by using jargon that only specialists would understand, slang that only teenagers use, abbreviations (e.g., “U” for “University”), colloquialisms (e.g., referring to your city as “the big city”), or words that are unfamiliar because they are too long (e.g., “irreversible”).

Employ elements of rhetoric

You’ll need to learn the art of rhetoric, which is the use of language to persuade. Rhetoric was first developed by Greek philosophers like Aristotle and Plato. In those days, it was taught as part of an education system that also included music, gymnastics, and mathematics.

Rhetoric has two main goals: convincing others through argumentation, and pleasurable reading or listening experiences. To achieve these goals it uses several techniques-some are ethical (or moral), while some are not ethical or moral at all!

Make an assertion in the conclusion

The conclusion is the last chance you have to make an impression on your reader. Here are some ideas for what you can say:

  • Summarize the main points of your essay and draw a conclusion based on them.
  • Give the reader a sense of closure and tell them what you learned from writing this essay. This can be as simple as “I learned that I should always save my homework in Google Drive.”
  • Make a recommendation about how people can use your idea or apply it in real life (e.g., “I would suggest that everyone should do their homework online because it’s more convenient.”)
  • Call for action on behalf of yourself or others who share a similar experience (e.g., “I want other people with depression to know that they aren’t alone, so I’m going to post my essay online so anyone who needs someone to talk to can read it.”)

Concluding thoughts – get it? 🙂

Now that you’ve read all the tips, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Use a funny analogy. If you can find a way to turn something seemingly boring into something funny or relatable, it will make your essay seem more interesting. You could also try using a quote from someone famous, or use an interesting question…you get the idea!
  • Use rhetorical questions and statements creatively. This is another way of making your essay interesting while showing off your creative skills. If you’re not sure how to do this, check out these examples:
  • How many roads must a man walk down before he comes to himself? (Bob Dylan)
  • Don’t think about pink elephants if they cross your mind; just concentrate on what’s right in front of you at this very moment (unknown)

Takeaway: A well-written essay is like a literary masterpiece.

So what does it mean for an essay to be “well written”?

It means that you do not have to worry about whether or not your reader will finish the piece, because your writing has the power to carry them through from start to finish. Your essay will be so engaging and interesting that even if they’ve never picked up a pen before in their life, they’ll want to write something themselves-just like you did!

A well-written essay is like a literary masterpiece: it’s full of surprises, but when you’re done reading it (or watching/hearing/listening/playing) there’s still something left behind that makes you think differently about the world around you.


I hope this blog post has helped you to understand what a great essay is and how to write one. Writing an essay can be challenging, but with the right approach, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. If you follow these tips and keep practicing your skills, then I promise that your writing will improve over time!